
(Harrisburg, PA) – John Gizzi of Newsmax, a perennial favorite of attendees, will be the Saturday breakfast speaker at the 2024 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference to be held April 4-6, 2024 at the Penn Harris Hotel & Convention Center in Camp Hill (Harrisburg), PA. The breakfast session will also feature a State of the Conservative Movement panel discussion moderated by Colin Hanna of Let Freedom Ring, USA featuring John Gizzi, Dr. Paul Kengor, editor-in-chief of the American Spectator, and Jeff Lord a Newsmax and American Spectator contributor.

Judge Jeanine Pirro of The Five on Fox News will be the conference’s featured dinner speaker on Friday, April 5, 2024.

The Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is the premiere gathering of public policy conservatives each year in the Keystone State.  It is the largest and longest-running of the state-based conservative conferences regularly attracting a long list of conservative elected officials, scholars, journalists, and activists for three days of speeches, panel presentations, workshops, and networking.

Registration for the 2024 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is NOW OPEN at The Early Bird discount rate is built into the registration so there is no need to enter a discount code as it will be automatically applied. (The PLC web site also includes a brief video tutorial to help you navigate Cvent.)

(Harrisburg, PA) – Trent England, Executive Director of Save Our States will defend the Electoral College during a speech to the 2023 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference to be held March 30 – April 1, 2023 at the Penn Harris Hotel by Wyndham in Camp Hill Pennsylvania. Frank Gamrat of the Allegheny Institute for Public Policy and Dustin Chambers from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University will hold a “conversation” on the impact of government regulations on business.

Special Guest Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will be the conference luncheon Keynote Speaker on Saturday, April 1st; Kellyanne Conway, former senior counselor to President Donald Trump will be Featured Speaker at the conference dinner on Friday, March 31st. Trent England will join Frank Gamrat from the Allegheny Institute; Dustin Chambers of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University; Congressman Dan Meuser; State Senator Scott Martin; Mike Howell of the Heritage Foundation; Venezuelan freedom activist Daniel DiMartino; Rev. C.L. Bryant of FreedomWorks; Scott Parkinson from the Club for Growth; Victoria Coats of the Heritage Foundation and Charles Mitchell from the Commonwealth Foundation in speaking at the conference along with Congressman Scott Perry; breakfast speaker John Gizzi of Newsmax; Dr. Paul Kengor from Grove City College; Newsmax columnist Jeff Lord; and Colin Hanna from Let Freedom Ring, USA.

(Harrisburg, PA) – U.S. Representative Dan Meuser (PA-9), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Tax, and Capital Access of the Small Business Committee; and State Senator Scott Martin, Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee will each speak at the 2023 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference to be held March 30 – April 1, 2023 at the Penn Harris Hotel by Wyndham in Camp Hill Pennsylvania.

Special Guest Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will be the conference luncheon Keynote Speaker on Saturday, April 1st; Fox News contributor Kellyanne Conway will be Featured Speaker at the conference dinner on Friday, March 31st. Congressman Dan Meuser and State Senator Scott Martin will join Mike Howell of the Heritage Foundation; Venezuelan freedom activist Daniel DiMartino; Rev. C.L. Bryant of FreedomWorks; Scott Parkinson from the Club for Growth; Victoria Coats of the Heritage Foundation and Charles Mitchell from the Commonwealth Foundation in speaking at the conference along with Congressman Scott Perry; breakfast speaker John Gizzi of Newsmax; Dr. Paul Kengor from Grove City College; Newsmax columnist Jeff Lord; and Colin Hanna from Let Freedom Ring, USA.

(Harrisburg, PA) – Mike Howell of the Heritage Foundation will discuss How the White House is Weaponizing Government Agencies during a speech at the 2023 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference to be held March 30 – April 1, 2023 at the Penn Harris Hotel by Wyndham in Camp Hill Pennsylvania.

Special Guest Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will be the conference luncheon Keynote Speaker on Saturday, April 1st; Fox News contributor Kellyanne Conway will be Featured Speaker at the conference dinner on Friday, March 31st. Mike Howell will join Venezuelan freedom activist Daniel DiMartino; Rev. C.L. Bryant of FreedomWorks, Scott Parkinson from the Club for Growth, Victoria Coats of the Heritage Foundation and Charles Mitchell from the Commonwealth Foundation in speaking at the conference along with Congressman Scott Perry; breakfast speaker John Gizzi of Newsmax; Dr. Paul Kengor from Grove City College; Newsmax columnist Jeff Lord; and Colin Hanna from Let Freedom Ring, USA.

(Harrisburg, PA) – Daniel DiMartino, a Venezuelan freedom activist and economist will talk about the impact of socialism during a speech at the 2023 Pennsylvania Leadership Conference to be held March 30 – April 1, 2023 at the Penn Harris Hotel by Wyndham in Camp Hill Pennsylvania.

Special Guest Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will be the conference luncheon Keynote Speaker on Saturday, April 1st; Fox News contributor Kellyanne Conway will be Featured Speaker at the conference dinner on Friday, March 31st. Daniel DiMartino will join Rev. C.L. Bryant of FreedomWorks, Scott Parkinson from the Club for Growth, Victoria Coats of the Heritage Foundation and Charles Mitchell from the Commonwealth Foundation in speaking at the conference along with Congressman Scott Perry; breakfast speaker John Gizzi of Newsmax; Dr. Paul Kengor from Grove City College; Newsmax columnist Jeff Lord; and Colin Hanna from Let Freedom Ring, USA.